Setup bitbucket with PhpStorm or pyCharm

Get lastest connector from JetBrains and install as PhpStorm or PyCharm plugin.

Then create and set up your git in the main directory of the project:

It is a good idea to put down the things that should not be pushed to GIT, which is stored in a file called .gitignore:

touch .gitignore  gedit ./.gitignore

What the file looks like for a directory (vendor), a hidden file (.xyz) and all files with a given extension (all CSV-Files: *.csv):

/vendor .xyz *.csv

Then get GIT going with setup and first commit/push:

git init  git config --global "xyz@xyz.zz"  git config --global "Your Name"  git add .  git commit -m "message"  git remote add origin  git remote set-url origin  git push -u origin master

The usual routine to update the repository with the latest version is:

git add .  git commit -m "message"  git push -u origin master
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